  • Dennis Leon

    Contributing sermons since May 19, 2004
Dennis's church

Restauracion Cristiana
Santa Barbara, California 93109
805 965 1338

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  • El Cuerpo De Cristo, La Iglesia

    Contributed on May 19, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    This sermon is mainly to explain your congregation the important role that each of us have in the kingdom of God. That it does not mater which gifts you have or have not, every one have something to offer.

    El Cuerpo de Cristo: La Iglesia 1 Corintios 12: 12-27 • El cuerpo fisico es muy importante • Cuente una anécdota que resalte la importancia de nuestro cuerpo físico. •1 La Iglesia consiste en diferentes personas haciendo diferentes cosas, con un solo proposito, more