  • Doug Newton

    Contributing sermons since Aug 24, 2018
Doug's church

Free Methodist Church
Greenville, Illinois

About Doug
  • Experience: Doug Newton is the cofounder and director of the National Prayer Ministry of the Free Methodist Church-USA. The author of twelve books, he served for thirty years as a senior pastor and for fifteen years as editor of Light & Life magazine. Newton and his wife, Margie, live in Greenville, Illinois.
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Newest Sermons

  • Praying For Problem People

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    How can you pray for problem people? Yes, Paul’s example is good. But it won’t happen until Jesus makes you really, really want to pray.

    Imagine you are an avid long distance runner and someone comes up to you who has never run a marathon and asks, How can I run a marathon? What would you say? You’d probably ask them about how much they currently run to diagnose how far along they are and then you’d start talking about the kind of more

  • Bing Crosby And Blowing Smoke

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Try as you might, our God-given conscience simply won’t tolerate any attempt to see ourselves as better than we are without squelching deep inside us.

    I remember being disappointed when I heard about Bing Crosby’s troubled relationships with his children. In 1983 his son Gary published a book “Going My Own Way” with shocking disclosures about Bing’s abusive forms of discipline. I dropped my pants, pulled down my undershorts and bent over. Then more

  • This Jesus

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for Easter or Any Day

    The Beatles came storming into the United States in 1965 and not only changed history but effectively changed the calendars of American culture from BB to AB: “before Beatles” to “after Beatles.” Whether younger generations in our culture are aware of it or not, they relate to history as if we are more

  • Present Perfect

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Colossians 1:3-14

    I pulled into a gas station a couple weeks ago and saw something new at the pump. If I wanted, I could push a button to mix a chemical with the gas that would improve my gas mileage. The advertisement explained that the additive would clean the engine valves and boost performance. Is this just more