  • Jason Lowe

    Contributing sermons since Dec 18, 2006
Jason's church

El Bethel Community Church
Pasadena, Maryland 21122

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  • Change Your Heart, Change The World

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is an overview of the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew.

    Change Your Heart, Change the World Matthew 5:13-16 Matthew 5:13-16 13 " You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14 "You are the light of the world. A city that more

  • Jesus The Light Of The World

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2006
    based on 12 ratings

    This sermon addresses allowing the light of Christ to shine into and transform every area of our lives through the help of the Holy Spirit

    (I used Andy Stanley’s outlining method of me, we, God, you, we. You will see those broken down in the text of sermon. Also, I blacked out the windows and turned off the lights so that it was as dark as I could get it. Lights out where it says DARK and lights back on when it says LIGHT.) Dare more

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