  • John Fruner

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
John's church

St. Athanasius Church
Brooklyn, New York 11204-2569

About John
  • Education: I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Religion, a Bachelor of Science in Human Services and a Master of Science in Human Services. Presently I am completing a Master of Social Work degree at Fordham University and a Master of Arts in Religion degree at Reformed Theological Seminary. The MSW and MAR are part of a double major program. (What was I thinking?) Two more years and I’ll be done, then on to a Master of Divinity.
  • Experience: Presently I am Pastoral Associate at St. Athanasius Church in Bensonhurst Brooklyn working in social outreach programs, liturgy, worship and adult education. One day a week I direct the Religious Education Program at Most Precious Blood Church, also in Bensonhurst. Last year, in order to complete the MSW internship requirements, I taught 8th grade at Most Precious Blood School. From 1994 to 2001 I was Pastoral Associate at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Williamsburg Brooklyn directing the parish Religious Education Program, Music Program, Liturgy and Outreach Programs. Before Our Lady of Mt. Carmel I was the Director of Religious Education at Our Lady of Grace Church in Gravesend Brooklyn. Before going into full time parish ministry I taught 7 & 8th grade at St. Cecilia’s School in Greenpoint Brooklyn while I was the part time Director of Music, Liturgy and Outreach at St. John the Evangelist Church in Sunset Park Brooklyn. I began teaching at St. Joseph’s School in Jamaica Queens and was part time Director of Music, Liturgy and Adult Education at St. Pius V in South Jamaica Queens. It was at St. Pius where I began my involvement in Religious Education.
  • Family: Mom (Ann) and Dad (John) live in Queens in the house where I grew up. They are active in the parish where I attended Elementary School and celebrated Baptism, First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation. My sister (Carole) lives in Pennsylvania with my brother-in-law (Eric) my four nieces(Christina, Ashley, Erika and Samantha)and my nephew (John). I have a wonderful goldfish who always listens to my homilies, sermons and lessons. Sometimes (s)he helps me study for my theology exams. His/her name is FISH since I can’t tell if (s)he is a boy or a girl.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Could listen to me all day! (No wonder I am single!)
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Be yourself and try not to imitate another person in their style, delivery or approach.
  • Books that have had an impact: There are so many books that have made an impact on my life but these are the most recent (and the ones I can remember): Night by Elie Wiesel; The Autobiography of Malcolm X; Don’t be Afraid Gringo: The Story of Elvia Alvarado; The Upside Down Kingdom by Donald Kraybill; The Church and the Homosexual by John J. McNeill; Becoming A Man by Paul Monette; Down These Mean Streets by Piri Thomas; Muy Macho:Latino Men Confront Their Manhood Edited by Ray Gonzalez; Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky; On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; Praying Our Goodbyes by Joyce Rupp, OSM; How Can I Find God? Edited by James Martin; Conversaciones: Relatos por padres y madres de hijas lesbianas e hijos gay Edited by Mariana Romo-Carmona.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Lights went out due to a thunderstorm. A congregant stood next to me with a candle to provide light and then bumped into me, pouring wax on the homily and my arm. In the process of telling me she was sorry, as I wanted to reassure her that it wasn’t a problem, I got too close to the candle and the page caught on fire. I gave up right there and we sang a song. (I had my guitar in the sacristy- convenient back up plan!)
  • What I want on my tombstone: Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit.
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Newest Sermons

  • Why God?

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2002
    based on 181 ratings

    Why does God permit such tragedy to happen to a believer?

    Tragedies smack us in the face too quickly and unexpectedly, even when we are trying our best to serve God. It just doesn’t seem fair! At some point we all find ourselves asking life’s most troubling questions, “Why?” and “Why would God permit this to happen to me?” We believe that not only more

  • Genesis' Crreation

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    Working out conflict between science and Genesis Creation account.

    Many people now believe the creation account in Genesis is a charming myth with no evidence for validation. However, I think we can look at Genesis in a reasonable and logical manner, seeing that it actually does support scientific research. The origin of the universe and especially of human life more

  • The Theme Of Immigration, In The First Testament

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2002
    based on 13 ratings

    Look at SARAH, HAGAR, NAOMI and RUTH as being agents in bring salvation to God’s people.

    THE THEME OF IMMIGRATION, IN THE FIRST TESTAMENT, AS ILLUSTRATED IN THE LIVES OF SARAH, HAGAR, NAOMI and RUTH SARAH (Genesis 12:1-9) Sarah is challenged by God to remove herself from her land and her home, all the places of security, and accompany her husband to a non-specific more

  • God Must Not Be Good Because He Created Evil

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    God is not the author of evil and suffering in the world. Evil and suffering are consequences of our actions. Original Sin.

    “God must not be good because He created evil.” There is no question that our world is filled with evil and suffering. We come into contact with it every day of our lives and are forced to deal with it on an emotional, intellectual and practical level. How can we believe that God is both more

  • Holy Trinity

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    For Trinity Sunday, using the Roman Lectionary

    The Holy Spirit has been explained as being the mutual bond between the Father and the Son in order that when one of the Divine Persons is active, the others are involved. I like this explanation and definition because I find approaching this doctrine, and thus attempting to understand it and more

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