  • Ken Mckinley

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Ken's church

Fairview Fellowship
Slapout, Oklahoma

About Ken
  • Education: BA in history MA in Theological Studies Graduate Course work in Criminology, Education, and Philosophy
  • Experience: 25 years of pastoral experience as of 2023...
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: If you have any questions concerning my sermons or Bible studies please contact me via email. And Please feel free to pray for me as I continue to proclaim the Word of God, you’re prayers are coveted and greatly appreciated.
  • Family: Wife and two wonderful daughters.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Bible of course, Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis), Calvin’s Institutes, City of God (Augustine), Christianity in Crisis (Hank Hannegraff), Fault Lines (Baucham), Bondage of the Will (Luther)
  • Hobbies: Judo, Fishing, Reading, Writing
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Most of my shirts are tight in the neck and chest area, as I try to remain fit. As I was standing to get behind the pulpit I once sneezed and blew the top button off of my shirt. It flew close to 10 feet
  • What I want on my tombstone: See you soon.
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  • Spurgeon Quote

    Contributed on Aug 17, 2022

    I want to read something to you. It’s from a sermon preached by Charles Spurgeon… listen to what he says here… it’s kind of a long quote, but man it’s good. “Everybody admires Luther! Yes, yes, but you do not want anyone else to do the same today. When you go to the Zoological Gardens you all more

  • Who's Educating Our Kids?

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2010

    WHO'S EDUCATING OUR KIDS? Now here's the thing. Often times we will tell ourselves, "Well it's the church's job to give my children a religious education, and it's the schools job to educate my children in other matters. And the Church will balance out the secular. But let me show you more

  • In 1914; Sir Earnest Shackleton, And Explorer ...

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2010

    In 1914; Sir Earnest Shackleton, and explorer from England attempted to cross Antarctica. His exploration didn’t go so well though as his ship, “The Endurance,” was caught in the ice pack and slowly crushed as the ice closed in around it. Luckily, Shackleton and his crew managed to make it off more

  • Now To A Jewish Person, Any Time The Word ...

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2010

    Now to a Jewish person, any time the word “sacrifice” was used, they would’ve immediately thought about the lambs that were sacrificed at the temple. Those sheep were raised up, they were fed, taken care of and protected, for the sole purpose of the sacrifice on the alter of God. That’s what a more

  • I Once Took A Graduate Level Class On The ...

    Contributed on Jan 10, 2010

    I once took a graduate level class on the psychology of learning, and in that class we talked about the way people learn. And I remember one time we were talking about babies and how they perceive certain things. It was kind of amusing actually, but they did a study where they would sit a baby more