  • Kimberly Belken

    Contributing sermons since May 22, 2020
Kimberly's church


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  • Stubborn In Spirit, Persistent In Prayer

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2020

    The Biblical woman of Hannah has much to teach us about prayer and trust in God. We learn to pound on the doors of heaven and that we can trust God to hear and answer us.

    There was something fundamentally wrong with her. There had to be. It was the only explanation for Hannah’s inability to carry a child. Her husband, Elkanah’s second wife was able to conceive and bear children, a fact that she made sure to rub in every chance she got. Therefore, it had to be more

  • The Forgiveness Of Joseph

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Though Joseph's brothers intended to harm him, God intended to work through their actions for good. Ultimately this truth allowed Joseph to forgive his brothers. Forgiveness may sometimes be a decision we have to make but we can do so trusting that God will work good through it.

    Like last week, we have skipped ahead a few generations in Genesis to get to today’s reading. So to quickly summarize, Abraham, whose deep desire for a son we heard about in last week’s reading, fathered a son by the name of Isaac. Isaac was the father of two children, Esau and Jacob. Jacob or more

  • Father Abraham

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2020

    The faith of Abraham made him righteous. Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, our faith makes us righteous and leads us to trust in God and God's promises. We never know what these promises will mean for us, but we can know that God works them together for our good.

    Father Abraham had many sons And many sons had Father Abraham I am one of them And so are you So, let’s all praise the Lord I know our Sunday School kids know that song and perhaps some of you do as well. In fact, it is probably the most well-known song and story about the great patriarch Abraham more

  • Jesus Comes To Us

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2020

    In the familiar story of Jesus walking on the water, we find good news in the fact that it is Jesus who is the key actor and Lord of all.

    Psychologists tell us that when we are presented with an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening, we tend to behave in one of two ways—fight or flight. That means that we either tend to gird our loins (to use a Biblical phrase), stare down, and attack that which is scaring us OR we run more