  • Matthew Wright

    Contributing sermons since May 19, 2003
Matthew's church

Rogers Assembly of God
Rogers, Ohio 44455

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  • A Frustrating Walk

    Contributed on May 27, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    The Children of Israel

    Title: A Frustrating Walk Text: Exodus 19:3-6; Various Subject: Obedience Series: The Walk Series; #6 Introduction: Just one week ago we talked of the incredible walk that the children of Israel began with God. They were God’s chosen people and He had proved His love for them by more

  • A Liberating Walk

    Contributed on May 27, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    The Exodus

    Title: A Liberating Walk Text: Exodus Subject: Salvation Series: The Walk Series; #5 Introduction: We live in an extremely free country. Some writers have considered this country the greatest country of all history because of the incredible freedoms we enjoy. No one is a slave in more

  • A Promised Walk

    Contributed on May 27, 2003
    based on 25 ratings


    Title: A Promised Walk Text: Genesis 37; 39-46 Subject: Faith Series: The Walk Series; #4 Introduction: Promises don’t mean too much to people of this day and age. There was a time when a simple handshake and a promise were as good as any legal contract. The handshake was more

  • A Hard Walk

    Contributed on May 27, 2003
    based on 254 ratings

    Abraham and Isaac

    Title: A Hard Walk Text: Genesis 22 Subject: Trust Series: The Walk Series; #3 Introduction: The old man stopped walking. It had been a long day and he was tired. To look into his eyes though, you would have realized that it wasn’t his body that was tired, but his spirit. The more

  • A Long Walk

    Contributed on May 20, 2003
    based on 121 ratings


    Title: A Long Walk Text: Genesis 6-8 Subject: Faithfulness Series: The Walk Series; #2 Introduction: Just last week we took our first walk together. If you remember, it was a glorious walk in the Garden of Eden with a couple named Adam and Eve. By the end of our walk though, Adam more

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