Michael L.'s church

Kalamazoo Gospel Mission
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007

About Michael L.
  • Experience: Pastor Brown has been in ministry since 1982 when he began helping Chaplains in the Navy as a collateral duty. In 1986 he was licensed for ministry and became ordained in 1991. He has preached worldwide on many subjects much of which, pertaining to God's will for Men and marriage. In February 2022, he was honored with an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from International Seminary, Plymouth Florida. Michael is currently the CEO and Senior Pastor of Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries where has served for over 26 years.
  • Family: Pastor Michael L. Brown is retired from the United States Navy and has been married to Rosemary for 25 years.
  • Books that have had an impact: Kingom Man by Tony Evans Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews Lost Choice by Andy Andrews When Heaven Envades Earth by Bill Johnson
  • Hobbies: Gun Range
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Newest Sermons

  • What I Know For Sure

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2022

    In times like these, we try to navigate the many things we feel. The enemy would love to make this a time where we blame God or we get stuck in a place of depression. While there are still many unanswered questions, there are some things we can be sure of.

    In 1873, Horatio Spafford, a successful attorney had lost a fortune in the great Chicago fire of 1871. Around the same time, his four-year-old son died of scarlet fever. Thinking a vacation would do his family some good, he sent his wife and four daughters on a ship to England, planning to join more

  • Will You Minister To Jesus

    Contributed on May 1, 2022

    Matthew makes it clear that when we minister to the poor, we minister to Jesus. And when we don't minister to the poor Jesus takes it personally

    Matthew 25:31-44 (NKJV) The Son of Man Will Judge the Nations 31 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides more

  • It's Time For Change

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon was preached when a church was installing a new pastor. Membership shoud be reminded that churches evolve over the course of time. Diferent Pastors do things diferently. The method may change but the message of the Gospel remains the same.

    Change Gen. 12: 1- 4 Now the aLord had said to Abram: “Get bout of your country, From your family, And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. 2I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless more