Michael's church

Greater Sydney Conference
Epping, *Province/Other 2121

About Michael
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Newest Sermons

  • The Call Of Matthew

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Illustration of Accepting Jesus when he calls as a parallel to young people accepting Jesus when they grow up in the church and not needing to wander off into the world.

    Matthew. The Disciple. The man who wrote the gospel of Matthew. Matthew followed Jesus the very first time that he was called. Today we have two ladies, Sandy & Grace, who have grown up as a part of this congregation who are making their choice today to follow Jesus. They too are following more

  • Woman At The Well - Stages Of Relationsips

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon uses the illustration of the Woman at the well to show how christian friendship and community is developed

    On the way to Galilee Jesus passed through Samaria. It was noon when He reached the beautiful Vale of Shechem. At the opening of the valley was Jacob’s well. Wearied with His journey, He sat down here to rest while His disciples went to buy food. The Jews and the Samaritans were bitter more

  • As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    A Look at the culmination of the life of Joshua and his legacy.

    Scripture Reading : Joshua 23:1-8 The wars had finished 20 years ago. The fighting was now a distant memory of the past. To the teenagers, the war was just an old fable that Grandad would delight in talking about. Society had settled down once again. Agriculture was increasing, the economy was more

  • Reflections On Hope In A World Of Hopelessness

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    There are so many people in our world today who feel like giving up because they do not have hope. Hope is a core, basic need of all human beings.

    Scripture: Titus 2:11-13. This years week of prayer readings are on the theme ‘journey of hope’. As I have read through these readings over the past couple of weeks I have been impressed again and again with the value and need of hope. The message that comes through clearly from the various more

  • No Pain, No Gain - The Story Of The Laodicean Church

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 47 ratings

    A historical look at the church of Laodicea, with present day application.

    Laodicea: Revelation 3:14-18 Laodicea. What thoughts does this conjure up in your mind? It is a word that we like to throw around as a people. Whenever things are not as we feel they should be, we blame it on being the Laodicean Church, and possibly this is quite true. This morning I would more