  • Paul Pierpoint

    Contributing sermons since Mar 11, 2004
Paul's church

Hobe Sound Bible Church
Hobe Sound, Florida 33455

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  • Behold Your King

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    A Palm Sunday message.

    TODAY’S MESSAGE “BEHOLD YOUR KING” Matt. 21:5 / Luke 19:38 Pastor Pierpoint ( Some of the greatest events recorded in the life of our Saviour take place in what we call the Passion Week. Our attention this morning is called to one of those events. The more

  • Shout Of Triumph

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2004
    based on 99 ratings

    A message the deal with the sixth saying of the cross, "It is Finished", for passion week.

    TODAY’S MESSAGE THE SHOUT OF TRIUMPH “It is Finished.” John 19:30 Paul Pierpoint The endless hours of suffering are over. The Savior is about to die. It was for this cause that He came into the world. Now He has completed the work that His Father gave Him to do. He raises His voice more

  • Questions About His Passion

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2004
    based on 70 ratings

    An extended outline involving the questions concerning Christ’s passion.

    TODAY’S MESSAGE QUESTIONS ABOUT HIS PASSION What we need to understand about the death of Christ I Cor. 15:3 / Isaiah 53 Pastor Pierpoint During the past few days much interest in the person of Christ has been generated by the film called the Passion Of The Christ. The film is more