  • Randy Wood

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Randy's church

Ferndale assembly of God
Little Rock, Arkansas 72223

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  • The Levels Of Commitment

    Contributed on Oct 4, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Faithfulness and commitment are synomonous.

    THE LEVELS OF COMMITMENT TEXT: PROVERBS 3:3-4 OPENING THOUGHT: Think about this. There are you a man we will call ¡§Joe¡¨ and a woman we will call ¡§Sue¡¨. Each of you has applied for a job at a very sucessful company. This company offers many opportunities of advancement. The company more

  • Dead End Decisions

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2002
    based on 13 ratings

    Our text this morningwill show us the cause and effect of good and bad decisions.

    DEAD END DECISIONS TEXT: JOSHUA 24:15 INTRODUCTION: Every day all of us face many decisions that range from trivial to very important ones. When you get up out of the bed in the morning it is a ¡§new¡¨ day that god Himself has given to you that could possibly have an outcome that can more

  • Dead End Decisions

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Our text this morningwill show us the cause and effect of good and bad decisions.

    DEAD END DECISIONS TEXT: JOSHUA 24:15 INTRODUCTION: Every day all of us face many decisions that range from trivial to very important ones. When you get up out of the bed in the morning it is a ¡§new¡¨ day that god Himself has given to you that could possibly have an outcome that can more

  • Pictures Of Process

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    Life is a school. A school that offers us a chance to learn from day to day what "true" success is.

    PICTURES OF PROCESS TEXT: JOB 17:9 INTRODUCTION: Life. Life is full of turns and twists. Life is full of some great times. Life is full of some bad times. We rejoice over the birth of a baby. We mourn over the death of a loved one. We laugh at a good joke or funny story. We cry at the more