  • Reg Watson

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Reg's church

LifeStream Church of the Nazarene
Waldorf, Maryland 20601

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Newest Sermons

  • Don’t Miss The Bus (Living Between The First Advent And The Second Advent)

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We live in between the first advent (Jesus’ birth) and the second advent (Jesus’ second coming). During this in between time we have the opportunity to make our hearts and lives ready for Jesus’ return.

    Don’t Miss the Bus 2 Peter 3:3-4 & 8-15a December 27, 2009 When I lived in Kansas City attending seminary, I worked as a school bus driver. Now I’ve got to tell you, if the Discovery channel wanted to do a real Reality Show, the producers should have ridden around on my bus with me. Some of more

  • What's Love Got To Do With It?

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    We can have the same confidence of God’s love for us that John had when he acknowledged that he was "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (Jn 13:23).

    “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” John 13:23 If you were to guess, what do you think is the one thing in life a person wants more than anything else? Fame, wealth, beauty, status, power, position? I would argue that while a lot of people think that any one of, or a combination of, these would more

  • God Is Not Fair

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    God is not fair in the way he deals with us. For that we can be thankful. Instead of being fair, he shows us mercy and grace.

    “The Unfairness of God” Psalm 103:8-10 June 20, 2004 When was the last time you felt like you were treated unfairly? When did you last think, “That’s not fair”? It doesn’t matter what it was about, it could have been anything. You just simply felt that whatever it was that happened, it more

  • Esther: An Orphan Who Saved A Nation

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2002
    based on 141 ratings

    A sermon built on the 50 Day Spiritual Adventure series "More Than Survivors."

    Esther: The Orphan Who Saved A Nation Esther 4:12-17 The story I’m going to share with you today reads like a made for television movie. In it we’ll find, suspense, intrigue, betrayal, conspiracy, and treachery. The cast of characters includes: a king, a queen that loses her throne, an more