  • Fr. Rian Adams

    Contributing sermons since Mar 5, 2019
Fr. Rian 's church

Diocese of the central gulf coast

About Fr. Rian
  • Education: B.A. M.A. MDiv. DMin.
  • Experience: Rian Adams: I've been in the ministry for over twenty years, ultimately making my way to "The Episcopal Church." I served as a military chaplain in various parts of the world and served The Episcopal Church as a rector. I'm also an amateur poet and in 2019 published a collection of poems that chronicle my journey of healing from the wounds of war. For more of my poetry and my story, check out: ​ Poetry Positive Tweets: Personal Website:
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I'm not the best preacher, but, I'm committed to believe what I preach. I think one of the real secrets to preaching is belie​ving what you say. That helps me preach with confidence and humility. I hope my sermons are faithful to the Gospels and encourage others to be a part of what Michael Curry calls, "The Jesus​ Movement."
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: One sermon that formed me as a priest is Jonathan Landon's sermon on the occasion of my ordination. He told me that I would suffer for the sake of the kingdom of God, but to do it anyway! I realized much later the weight of that statement - Jesus asks us to carry crosses.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: This is a hard one... I heard President Obama speak of the Ubunto tribe in Africa, so I decided to research them. When a person makes a mistake the entire village surrounds the person and tells them what is RIGHT with them, not what is wrong.
  • Family: I'm Rian Adams and my family and friends mean everything to me! Nothing compares to the happiness we receive​​ when our children tell us they love us. My significant other is beautiful, creative, and smart. She's my best friend.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mother and father are extreemly supportive of my priestly vocation! I grew up in a Pentecostal church and my parents still attend a pentecostal​ church, so there was some hesitation when I became an Episcopal Priest, but they attend services where I preach and celebrate and enjoy it.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Who knows, our soulmates often miss our flaws because of their love blinds them. Ha!! I have received positive feedback on my poetry from my significant other.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: I have made some mistakes, we all have. When I suffered from post-traumatic stress and untreated seizures I had some struggles and was even involved in a road rage incident. It made the news on social media. I'm not proud of how I reacted. My former bishop took me to lunch and said, "Rian, don't beat yourself up. Peter cut a man's ear off and still became the bishop of Rome. God is a God of restoration." The best advice... Turn lead into diamonds​.
  • Books that have had an impact: This is is a difficult place to begin. C.S. Lewis was instrumental to my early theological development and journey to the liturgical church and ultimately to the Episcopal Church. I enjoy reading Richard Rhor, Thomas Moore, Carl Jung, and a host of other writers.
  • Hobbies: Music is an intergral part of my life and my spiritual center. I love guitars (collecting and playing) and enjoy playing live music from bluegrass to the blues! I'm a lover of poetry. I wrote the book Love, War, and Soul: Poems of Darkness and Light by Rian Adams. It chronicles my journey from a combat chaplain with personal struggles, to recovery through poetry, family, and God.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: One final sermon... God loves you. No matter who you are, what color you are, what sexual orientation ​you are, or what mistakes you made, God loves you.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I have a tendency to put my sermon manuscripts on the pulpit before service. Once, all in good fun, one of the acolytes stole the sermon. She held it until I got in the pulpit. I panicked! She gave it back but the whole church, myself included, got a fantastic laugh.
  • What I want on my tombstone: William Rian Adams Husband of Amber, father of Brody Episcopal Priest Bronze Star Recipient​ ​ Loved with abandon
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