  • Robert Nixon

    Contributing sermons since Jan 25, 2006
Robert's church

First United Methodist
Butler, Alabama 36904
205 459 2543

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  • The Weakest Word In The English Language

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    The weakest word in the English lanquage is "if". If only.....If only keeps us living in the past. The strongest word in the English language is "If". If you believe you will see the glory of God.

    THE WEAKEST WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE INTRODUCTION: TEXT: John 11:17-35. What is the weakest word in the English language in the context of helping people? It is the word “if”. “If only......” (V.21 and 22). “If only....” is the weakest word in the English language because it hinders or more

  • Driving Through The Desert

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    The Hebrew nation, Elijah, Jesus and others were driven into the desert. What is God doing when we "are driven into the desert"?

    DRIVING THROUGH THE DESERT INTRODUCTION: Describe living in Arizona and camping Out in the desert as a Boy Scout. Describe how easy it was to get lost and separated. (Superstition Mountains). The desert has been used by God many times throughout the Bible. The Israelites in the Wilderness, the more