  • Ronald C. Abayon

    Contributing sermons since Feb 19, 2010
Ronald's church

Pilgrim Bible Baptist Church
Narvacan, *Province/Other 2704

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  • Success

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Knowing the secret of it

    SECRET TO DAVIDS SUCCESS: 1.Wise diplomacy 2 SAMUEL 5:11 2.Recognition of the Lord God in all his blessings 2 SAMUEL 5:12 3.Constantly sought the Lord's blessings 2 SAMUEL 6:12-15 4.Was not ashamed to be involve in spiritual exercises 2 SAMUEL 6:13 5.Led his people in more

  • I Want That Mountain

    Contributed on Feb 25, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    It's all about whole-hearted service for God

    Introduction: -We always heard or maybe not but seldom or only today that "WE ARE SAVED TE SERVE GOD AND NOT TO PRESERVE" -but in serving or following him,God expect our whole-hearted service for him. -being Whole means in original language is to "SATISFY"-to give enough more