Scott's church

Central Oconee church of Christ
Bishop, Georgia 30621

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Newest Sermons

  • Thanksgiving

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    A lesson on the roots of Thanksgiving, both the holiday and the act of giving thanks to the One who gives us His all.

    Scripture: Psalms 100 A Psalm of Thanksgiving. Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the LORD, He [is] God; [It is] He [who] has made us, and not we ourselves; [fn] [We are] His people and the sheep of His more

  • A Perfect Storm

    Contributed on Sep 17, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    We all face storms, trials, tribulations in our life; sometime physical, sometimes emotional. But Jesus is always there with us, ready to protect and comfort.

    Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve seen a rain line approaching during a storm? You step outside to just look around and off in the distance you see that rain moving in. You can see the rain headed your way, feel the wind kicking up, maybe see flashes of lightning and hear some more

  • Little Things Count

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Never discount your talents or abilities, never be discouraged about your worth or usefulness in the kingdom. You may think you can't contribute very much, but even small things are important in the kingdom of God.

    On April 14, 1970, 56 hours into the Apollo 13 mission, astronaut Jack Swigert was asked by mission control to “stir” the oxygen tanks. Within minutes there was an explosion and the race was on to save the lives of the men on that spacecraft. Here’s what happened. The no. 2 more

  • Why Me, Lord?

    Contributed on Jun 17, 2016

    The lesson deals with the age-old topic of how to deal with pain, sorrow, and grief. It talks about the need to understand that God is in control, and that sometimes there are blessings contained in those heartaches we experience.

    Opening scripture: Isaiah 55:6-11 I can remember very well the days that all of my children were born. They were special days, obviously. But the days my last three were born were had a little extra kick because I was able to be in the delivery room, to be there when those 3 took their first more