  • Timothy Enns

    Contributing sermons since Oct 4, 2011
Timothy's church

New Hope Community Church
Winnipeg, *Province/Other R2L1L9

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  • Stand On Guard

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2016

    Paul is warning the Thessalonians ans us that there are those that will lead us astray and also warning us about the Lawless One, Satan. There is a real danger, but our God is all-powerful and in control.

    Anything that is extremely valuable will be counterfeited. Fake gems have been around for thousands of years, but as the technology for making fakes has advanced, fakes are now harder to detect with the naked eye. Gem buyers today must be aware of three types of gems that are made to look more more

  • The Spreading Of The Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2016
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    Paul's instructions to the Thessalonians on sharing the Gospel.

    I don’t know about you, but the spreading of the Gospel and the growth of the church from the day Jesus said: “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church” amazes me. It amazes me because of how the Gospel and the church spread from that little area of the Mediterranean more

  • Spiritual Parenting

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2016
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    Looking at Paul's role as a spiritual parent of the Thessalonians

    The senior pastor of a church was doing the children’s sermon one day at the service. He had decided to talk to the kids about how to write a good sermon, in hopes of inspiring some to grow up and go into the ministry. So he asked the children, "What makes a good sermon?" Of course all the more

  • Locust Buffet

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2015
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    God spoke to Joel to tell the people to renew, return to the Lord and rend their heart. The same message applies to us today. What are the Locust storms in our lives. Are we living whole-heartedly for god or is it time to return?

    In 1915 a plague of locusts covered Palestine and Syria from the border of Egypt to the Taurus Mountains. The first swarms appeared in March. These were adult locusts that came from the northeast and moved toward the southwest in clouds so thick they obscured the sun. The females were 2.5 to 3 more

  • Worldly Wisdom Verses Heavenly Wisdom

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2015

    Looking at how worldly wisdom has inched its way into what we consider to be normal and Godly.

    A minister, a Boy Scout, and a computer expert were the only passengers on a small plane. The pilot came back to the cabin and said that the plane was going down but there were only three parachutes and four people. The pilot added, “I should have one of he parachutes because I have a wife more

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  • Worldly Wisdom Verses Godly Wisdom By Tim Enns

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2014
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    Worldly wisdom says you need a plan even when God calls! Godly wisdom says the more

  • Shepherds: The Lower Class

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2011

    SHEPHERDS: THE LOWER CLASS For many years I drove truck, hauling produce from California to Canada. I would often cut across the back roads of Idaho instead of staying on the busy interstate. The area I would travel trough on the back roads would take me through deserts and volcanoes, but it more

  • Timothy's Story

    Contributed on Oct 5, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    TIMOTHY'S STORY I want to tell you a story today about a little fellow named Jason. The circumstances that Jason was born into not entirely clear. What we do know is that his birth parents, for what ever reason, decided not to care for him or could not care for him. Instead they decided to place more