  • Todd Schäve

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Todd's church

First Baptist
Blair, Nebraska 68008-0621

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  • For A Cup Of Cold Water, Eternal Life!

    Contributed on Jun 30, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Jesus is addressing the hospitality the Jews or lost would show when receiving his disciples into their homes. The disciples are taking the gospel “ the lost sheep of Israel” (v.6), and as they go, they are proclaiming that “...The kingdom of heaven

    For a Cup of Cold Water, Eternal Life! Matthew 10.40-42 <> Todd A. Schäve, pastor/teacher Introduction: 1. In our passage this morning, Jesus is addressing the hospitality that the Jews or lost sheep of Israel show when receiving his disciples into their homes, as the disciples take the more