  • Wayne Doyle

    Contributing sermons since Jun 3, 2003
Wayne's church

Harvest Fellowship Church
Aurora, Missouri 65605

About Wayne
  • Education: I spent 20 years in the Military. I was able to complete my education through the US Army. My studies and job was in the Computer science area. I was able to work with the missionaries in Germany. I completed my Bible training with Lee college Ministerial Training program in 1979.
  • Experience: I have been in ministry since Oct 1973.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: My prayer is that I would be used to lead people into a deeper walk with God.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Watch The Lamb by Larry Meeks Calvary Temple AG Springfield Mo. Glory On Your House John Kilpatrick from Brownsville Revival.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She Likes them.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Always keep your priorities in line. God First, Family second, Church third.
  • Books that have had an impact: Six Hours One Friday, Anchoring to the cross by Max Lucado. Dick Eastmen’s Series on Prayer Change the world school of prayer
  • Hobbies: I write songs, Plays, and articles. I designed a web site for our church.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Down through the years, through all the Tears, He is still JESUS.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: As I was introduced to start the 3 day revial, As I walked to the Pulpit a Bounce Dryer sheet fell out of my trouser leg. The crowd roared, it broke the ice.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Devoted Husband Loving Father Known as Friend to the great I Am.
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  • Facing Your Giants, Breaking The Chains

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    So many Families in the body of Christ seem to be under attack by the enemy, whose goal is destroy their Faith.

    Sermon - Facing Your Giants , Breaking the Chains Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 17:4-49 Heb 12 : 1-6 While this story is over 3000+ years old. We can still learn from it. Goliath was this HUGE giant over 9 feet tall and everyone was afraid of him. Obviously, he seemed invincible and more

  • Youth: Follow Your Dream, Be All You Can Be.

    Contributed on Jan 11, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    Youth Sermon to be all you can be, Follow your dreams.

    INTRO: Recently I was asked to do a Youth service on a Wed night at our Church. Since I am 74 years old, it was a little intimidating But the end results: 20 youth responded to the Altar Call for salvation. Our Text for this service: POWER POINT 2 EPH 3:20 "Now to him who is able to do more

  • Will God Sue America For A Divorce?

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    America has lost her way.

    Will God Sue America for Divorce? As I stand behind this Holy Desk this morning, my heart Aches for the USA that I Gave 20 years of my life defending as a member of the Armed Services. This is a sermon I never thought I would have to preach, but America has lost her way. more

  • Seven Wonders Of Hell

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2006
    based on 91 ratings

    Hell has been abandoned by the modern Church, but will that make it 1 degree cooler when people arrive there?

    Pastors note: Prior to the sermon I had our drama team do A skit I wrote called "What are we teaching our Children" See skit under Dramas. I ran across these notes while in college but could never find the author, I have massaged this sermon for my own style of Preaching. If you know the more

  • Staying Close To The Vine

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Number 3 in a series to make the Gospel message simple enough for a child to understand.

    STAYING CLOSE TO THE VINE This is the 3rd sermon in the series “Winning this Generation for Christ” I have tried to make the message simple, so that none be lost due to lack of understanding. Scripture reference: John 14: John 15:1-8 In his book “The Star Thrower” the more

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