Sermon Illustrations

The Jews have this concept, when they celebrate the Passover, they are not only remembering the deliverance of their ancestors from Egypt, they are celebrating their own deliverance from Egypt. It is a concept of historical solidarity. The bible presents this same view in baptism and in the Lord’s Supper. We not only remember the events of the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection, we participate with him in those events. When Christ was on the cross, I was there with him. When Christ was buried, I was buried with him. In Romans 6:4 the term “buried with him” in baptism is one word that means “to put two people in the same grave”; “to be buried together with” (sunthapto). When Christ arose from the grave, I arose with him. Our baptism into Christ ought to serve as a powerful reminder of the grace we have received every time we are tempted.

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