Sermon Illustrations


Have you ever stepped on ground that seemed unsteady, but you really had to go on, just to get where you were going?

Just recently we took a trip up to the (northern part of South Korea) Hwacho’n area and then down to the Chuncho’n areas. We stopped at a nice restaurant where they had those outside gazebo kind of things. We had our steamed chicken in herbs beside a flowing stream. The flowing water, the setting, and the dragonflies buzzing over the corn across the stream, all added to the taste of this meal.

Well, after we finished, the ladies decided they wanted to wade or walk in the stream. There was a very small sand bar, or bank, in the middle of the stream, while the rest was pebbles and rocks. One of the ladies cautiously stepped over to the sand bar. She didn’t put all of her weight in that first step, wary that she would sink in the sand. Then a little more weight, a little more weight, until she was standing on the small sand bar. Then, she took another step with the same apprehension, the same hesitation. She found out it was solid and able to support her, and she then began walking around without a care in the world about the sand bar. The apprehensive thoughts disappeared and she began to focus on what was around her. In faith she stepped out, and she realized and rejoiced that the ground was able to support her.

In a way, that’s faith, faith that the ground, or in church ministry, God will support you. That’s what we do in ministry. We step out. Sometimes that first step is hard, shaky, or uncertain, but we take it anyway because we trust and have faith in God. Do you trust Him? If you’re not trusting Him, you’ll never take that first step. Are you willing to step out? Are you willing to take that seed of faith and replant it?

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