Preaching Articles

One of my pulpit heroes preached at my church. We didn’t really know one another. Yet he agreed to come. I was beyond excited.

I have absolutely no recollection of the service or sermon that night. But I will never forget the conversation afterward in my study.

Food had been prepared. And a few preachers hung around to eat and chat, including several denomination leaders that had come to hear our special guest.

The denominational leaders began to encourage me to get more involved in the work. It felt more like pressure. They dropped the hook with tempting bait. If  I would do this and that, it would make sure preaching opportunities, important positions, and other “benefits.”

As a young pastor, and being new to all of this, my eyes were big.

My guest speaker was not in this conversation. But he overheard and pulled up a chair right next to me. He then began to tell me about denominational horror stories he had experienced.

The denominational leaders’ eyes got big.

I tried to head off an incident by (half) jokingly saying, “Doc, you know there are denominational leaders at the table with us, don’t you?”

I don’t care,” was his firm response.

Some of the men at the table were his friends. He was not trying to disrespect them. He was trying to get my attention.

It worked.

He began to list all the conferences and conventions he had where he had recently spoken. He asked, “Do you know which one I am a part of?” I already knew the answer. None of them.

He kept talking, challenging me to live for God, preach the word, and serve my congregation.

The room emptied out. But he kept talking, assuring me that God would open doors of opportunity for me if I kept my priorities straight.

It was way past midnight. But he was still talking. I didn’t say a word. I couldn’t. I was too busy crying. He was saying what I desperately needed to hear. More than he could know. I had been too focused on where my “gifts’ could take me. I needed to be slapped in the face with a reminder that my only responsibility was to be faithful. The Lord is in charge of personnel placement.

He finally let me up for air. Sort of.

After challenging me for several hours, he ended the conversation dismissively.

“I hope I have not just wasted my time,” he said. “I hope not. But I think you want to be somebody. I don’t want to be somebody. I just want to preach. But I think you want to be somebody.”

Through tears, I finally responded. “I don’t want to be somebody, either,” I whimpered. “I just want to preach.”

That life-changing conversation took place twenty years ago. But I still wrestle with the temptation to want to be somebody. May the Lord continue to help me to be content with the high calling to preach the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Do you want to be somebody?

H.B. Charles, Jr. is the Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, where he has served since the fall of 2008. He is primarily responsible for preaching-teaching, vision casting, and leadership development – along with all the other tasks that are a part of pastoral ministry.

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Bright Eromhonsele

commented on Jan 14, 2016

His word is able make you what it talks about.

Brandon Vernoy

commented on Jan 14, 2016

Thank you

Bill Parker

commented on Jan 14, 2016

How much more of "somebody" can you be if God chose you to preach his word and lead his Sheep!!

Devin West

commented on Jan 14, 2016

And you got my attention. "I want to be a preacher"

Mh Constantine

commented on Jan 14, 2016

Thank you for sharing your soul, Bro Charles. That makes you the "right kind of somebody" in my book. When I was young in ministry I was invited on staff in a well-known church. But before leaving for that city, I man of God spoke to me: "Sometimes the Lord has to take us through unusual circumstances to build into us the right kind of independence." I had no idea what he meant, but the years revealed the meaning. The right kind of independence is the freedom to follow God faithfully and serve his people joyfully. Even now, after many years, I have to remember that God opens the right doors at the right time, and leave the rest to Him. So thankful for all,who like this writer, are serving the Lord and his people faithfully.

Wayne Skeen

commented on Jan 14, 2016

Wow! God bless you for this hard-hitting and transparent word of truth! It is such an encouraging affirmation! The thousands who have never been "somebody", but who have, with God-given delight, unflaggingly waged Kingdom warfare in the trenches of smaller venues, have shouldered bivocational necessity, and cheerfully carried on in low- or no-compensation environments can be heartened by your clear treatment of this spiritual dynamic.

William Howard

commented on Jan 15, 2016

God bless you Pastor Charles, A term I often hear from the saints is "confirmation", but of late, I mean within the last 7 days late, much of my thinking, reading, hearing has been on as men / women of God having strong desires for title

Mitchell Leonard

commented on Jan 15, 2016

Thank you my Brother, That's what I needed to hear and what ALL preachers need to hear!!

Jim Padilla

commented on Jan 16, 2016

Thank you Brother Charles...and welcome to club NOBODY!

Robb Redlin

commented on Sep 11, 2019

What a tremendous article! A great reminder and reprimand for pastors and Christians alike!

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