Preaching Articles

Preaching About Money: 15 Sermon & Worship Resources

Preaching about money can be difficult, but it is necessary. Here are 15 sermon and worship resources about money, stewardship, and generosity. Includes sermons from Andy Stanley, Nelson Searcy, Wayne Cordeiro, and Jud Wilhite. 


1. The Spending Crisis, by Andy Stanley

So let’s once again become individuals that make interest and don’t pay it, and let’s once again become a nation that’s able to loan and to give.

2. Escaping the Bonds of Debt, by Nelson Searcy

The Bible talks about debt, the Bible says that debt is a source of pain. Would you agree with that? That debt is a source of pain. It’s a pain for me. It’s a pain for you. And fortunately, the Bible has a lot to say about how we can deal with this issue of pain.

3. How Wise People Build Up Wealth, by Wayne Cordeiro

Wealth is not just the accumulation of money. That would be the wrong target. Wealth is not solely money. In fact, this is not a message of how to achieve your financial dreams. This is a message about how to live right.

4. Generosity Uncensored, by Jud Wilhite

All the kids saying, “Dad, can I get this? Mom, can I have that?” - all this wanting and wanting and wanting - if we are not careful, sometimes generosity can get lost in it all.

5. I Have Some Questions, by Greg Surratt

When I saw the question I thought what a great opportunity to talk about how a church deals with money and what does the Bible say about that particular issue.

6. God Loves a FAT Man

In the parable that is before us, Jesus deals with stewardship and His expectations for those whom He has entrusted with certain talents. Now I want you to understand that the parable is about more than money. Many people view this story in Matthew only through the lens of finance, but there are more important things in life than money. Money is important, but money will not buy your way into heaven.

7. The Lifestyle of a Biblical Steward

The life style of a biblical steward is one who acknowledges that God owns everything in their life and they in turn seek to manage all that they have for Him.

8. Stewardship

This is one of life's foundational truths. We don't have to make life complex. The same is true with stewardship. We don't have to make it burdensome. God intends it to be rewarding, fulfilling and exhilarating.

9. Developing a Generous Spirit

Let's look together at 3 commitments made by generous people, 3 facts about our future, and 3 options when it comes to generosity.

10. Stewardship: Show Me the Money!

We find that Jesus talks about money quite frequently. He wasn’t at odds with having money, dealing with money, using money. He was at odds with those who value it above God and those who misused what was entrusted to them. When we talk of stewardship that encompasses many aspect of life. 

11. Stewardship: Available in Times of Little

With the looming economic meltdown, persons are tempted to not be faithful in their stewardship. This sermon is an encouragement to still be available for service despite the hard times now being faced.


12. PowerPoint Package: Greed & Giving 

Nobody wants to be greedy. But not everyone wants to give, even though giving cures greed. Share the cure for greed with this custom PointPoint template.

13. PowerPoint Package: God and Money 

How do we combine our view of God with our use of money? Use this PowerPoint to communicate the proper relationship between our money and our faith. Use Tax Day as an opportunity to share Jesus' teachings on money.

14. PowerPoint Package: The Bondage of Debt

Use this set of backgrounds for your message on financial stewardship.

15. Video: The Truth About Money 

Culture has a lot to say about money, but what does the Bible have to say? This 3-minute video has mind-blowing concepts that will connect the dots in Christians' lives in how they perceive and view money going forward!

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