Preaching Articles

Preparation for preaching requires a number of steps. Have you completed all of them? I fear that some preachers come into the preaching moment having done their checklist ...

1. Pray for God’s help ... check!

2. Exegete the text ... check!

3. Generate helpful and powerful points ... check!

4. Order the points for maximum impact ... check!

5. Practiced the sermon a few times ... check!

6. Plan to preach with power and rock the house ... check!

And then we go into the sermonic moment feeling prepared for battle. And we have done all we should have done. Right? have we?

I would ask if you have prayed, but you will say you have. And you have. But I am not really asking if you prayed in the beginning, I am asking if prayer has become a part of all of your preparation and presentation. I am not asking if you put in the time so you can start the “real” work of exegesis, but I am asking if prayer guided you every step of the way.

I am not asking if you invited God to help you and then you set God to the side while you did all the work of preparation. I am asking if you let God sit by you, lead you, touch you. Did you let God guide you to the text or did you simply go to a text you knew you had an ending for?

Did you let God change that sermonic point even though you thought you were finished with preparation. Did you let God?

Paul said to pray without ceasing. The only way to do that is to be in a prayerful state at all times. To the preachers, I encourage you to pray without ceasing. And when you ask God for help, listen when that help comes.

Sherman Haywood Cox II is the director of Soul Preaching. He holds the M.Div with an emphasis in Homiletics and a M.S. in Computer Science.

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David Jennys

commented on Aug 20, 2014

What can be said, but: Amen!

Deborah Ramos

commented on Aug 20, 2014

A new preacher, I thank you for that word. We all need to remember as we go forth in God to keep Him first because He is first. Glory to God

Danny Pinter

commented on Aug 20, 2014

Speaking as someone who's been in preaching ministry for over 35 years, you will be the first one to know if you have or have not adequately prayed before you preach. When you have, you know the Holy Spirit is actually preaching through you. When you haven't, you hope you can just get to the end so everyone can go home

Steven Farless

commented on Aug 20, 2014

amen. amen. and amen. the best sermons are birthed from prayer. study is great (and necessary), but so often we study to prepare for a sermon; not for personal revelation. seeking God for the sake of seeking God is where God Himself brings knowledge and revelation together; we preach in the Spirit as one who has authority, and not simply presenting a treatise as the scribes and pharisees do. "they have been with Jesus."

Anonymous Contributor

commented on Aug 20, 2014

Amen Amen and Amen. Desire to become a preacher, am so blessed with you men of God. Truly, what I have understood is the power of prayer and what God wants to reveal to His people, not only by our own understanding, but how He will be using you. Know that He is Omnipresent specially to those who seek, find and look unto Him. Please help me more, to become deeper and closer to the His words. I desire to be used all the days of my life in earth to His people . God bless Men of God!

Richard Scotland

commented on Aug 20, 2014

Short but straight to the point. No matter how long we have been preaching for this is a great reminder. Thank you sir.

Awit Grace Pamfilo

commented on Aug 21, 2014

Indeed, it's true. Without GOD, we are nothing and have nothing.

Nellie Jones

commented on Aug 21, 2014

As a Sunday School teacher I can say Amen, especially to Danny Pinter, (been on both sides).

Amos Aramburo

commented on Aug 22, 2014

Yes i prayed.

Cipriano Tristan

commented on Aug 22, 2014

That is so right. This is our down fall. We never pray enough. If we would pray more our sermon preparation would become so much easier. Our well prayed sermons will touch many more lives.

Sherwood English

commented on Aug 31, 2014

Well, this one thing I do know, is that when done in this manner the Holy Spirit will speak and say " well done thy GOOD and FAITHFULL SERVANT!!!!

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