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  • The Energy Of Praise  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 8, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    THE ENERGY OF PRAISE A study was done by psychologist Dr. Henry H. Goddard, on energy levels in children. He used an instrument he called the "ergograph." How he ever got some children to stand still long enough to connect them to the machine is a mystery. But he did, and his more

  • Poem: Praise The Lord  PRO

    Contributed by Billy Kryger on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    Poem: Praise The Lord Praise Him when the sun is shining, When the winds of trouble blow, When you see no silver lining, On the clouds that hand so low. Praise illumines clouds of sorrow, Turns the gray skies into gold, Giving promise of a ‘morrow Bright with blessings more

  • God Alone Be Praised

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 9, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    GOD ALONE BE PRAISED "But I entreat those who believe in and fear God, whoever deigns to examine or receive this document composed by the obviously unlearned sinner Patrick in Ireland, that nobody shall ever ascribe to my ignorance any trivial thing that I achieved or may have expounded that was more

  • It Was A State Campground Near Old Walker Mine ...

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    It was a state campground near Old Walker Mine in late September. My father and I pulled in about 11:30 at night and setting up camp what I remember most was the night sky. It was black, not dark but black. The stars were clearer, huge, close and more brilliant than I’d ever seen them or could more

  • Words Of Praise, Indeed, Are Almost As ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 11, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    "Words of praise, indeed, are almost as necessary to warm a child into congenial life as acts of kindness and affection. Judicious more

  • A Sacrifice Of Praise Hurts!

    Contributed by Mark Stepherson on Mar 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE HURTS! Several years ago, there was a song on Christian radio that said, "We bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord." It had a happy, upbeat tune. Listening to it, I had the feeling that the singers were intrigued by the words but had not personally more

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