Sermon Illustrations

My Mother always used to say, 'Only Fools rush in, son!' As I grew and matured, I heard that a lot less because I started to see the wisdom in what she had said and the foolishness in which I, as a young man, was a prime example. Matter-of-fact, if you had looked up foolishness, you would have seen my picture. As a side note, the same picture could be found in most U.S. Post Offices, but that is another story.

Many times, we rush in, only to find out that we are early and the place is empty. 'Patience is a virtue' is one more saying that I hung right beside my Mother's. They look well together. One who is patient, does not rush and one who rushes, only wishes he or she was patient!

2 Thessalonians 3:5 5 May the Lord direct your hearts towards God's love and towards Christ's patience!

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