Sermon Illustrations


I remember struggling in the water and I remember going under. I also remember the distinct feeling that I was going to die. What I learned as a young child was that one should be careful about getting in over one's head. I would like to ask you a question. How many of you can honestly raise your hands this evening and tell me that beyond any shadow of a doubt, you know that you are exactly in the center of God's will and that you are right where God wants you to be in your spiritual growth? Any takers? I didn't think so! The truth of the matter is, we all have plenty of room for improvement! That's what this sermon is all about. It's about becoming more of what the Lord God wants each of us to be. It's about leaving the shore of stagnant, disappointed Christianity and wading out into the deep spiritual waters of the born-again life. You see, what has happened in the modern church is that many have become far too cautious about giving their all to Jesus Christ. I really believe that there are many in the church tonight who are afraid of getting in over their heads.

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