Sermon Illustrations

Be a Magnet!


A piece of steel metal under ordinary conditions-- in the "As-is" situation -- does not have magnetic properties. It is not a magnet. It can not attract and/or hold. It can not do the work of a magnet. Why? The molecules are in "chaos". Each molecule has a Plus (+) and a minus (-), and when each is pointing in a different direction, some NORTH, some SOUTH, EAST and WEST, up and down, in between, the metal is not useful as a magnet.

IF a real magnet exerts influence upon the molecules in a favorable fashion, then all the molecules line up in an orderly manner, all norths/north, all souths/south, then IT BECOMES USEFUL AS A MAGNET ALSO! Furthermore IT CAN THEN EXERT INFLUENCE UPON ANOTHER PIECE OF STEEL and help it to BECOME A MAGNET. Now each gives magnetism to another and still maintains its own magnetism, and can keep on magnetizing over and over.

When we let the LOVE of God come into our lives, His Spirit makes order out of chaos. We become "magnetic" and useful and can be used to help others to receive His Spirit and LOVE and become useful. Being "magnetized", we can give LOVE to others to become "magnetic" also. When we give LOVE, we still have it! Isn’t that great!

Are you a "magnet"? Are you giving LOVE? Remember you GIVE LOVE and you still have it! Are you letting your "magnetism" be felt by others? Be a good "magnet" and pass it on.

Note that when the metal becomes magnetized, its outward visible appearance does not change. Its color, size and shape are still the same. Just looking at it, you can’t tell whether its a magnet or not! However its nature has changed. It acts and reacts differently. That’s the way we can tell. It’s how we are on the INSIDE that matters-that makes the difference. Are your actions different? Can others tell if you have that change within? "Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is...

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