Sermon Illustrations


Cathy Thomas, a former associate at the Orange County Register in Santa Ana, California, is a cooking teacher of considerable repute. She calls herself, however, "no stranger to the gastronomic adventures of Mother’s Day."

Back when it was first in vogue during the 1980s, she had been experimenting with Cajun-style blackened fish. Her daughter Alexis, then 5, had taken in the trials and errors - then decided to cook up a batch of eggs for Mother’s Day.

"They resembled the coarse sand from an old aquarium. Her older sister, Christy, scowled, but Alexis stood her ground. ’I know they’re black, but this is how Mom likes her eggs,’ she confidently proclaimed."

SOURCE: J. Crea in "The Plain Dealer" column titled ’Memories of special Mother’s Day moments.’

Wednesday, May 05, 2004. Citation:

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