Sermon Illustrations

Spiritual Satisfaction: 87% American adults are able to identify an activity that brings them the greatest degree of spiritual satisfaction or fulfillment. 23% named attending church services and events as their most fulfilling spiritual activity. 12% indicated spending time with their family produces the greatest sense of spiritual satisfaction, while another 12% noted a variety of endeavors as their greatest source of spiritual fulfillment. Those included engaging in music, art, or other creative media; participating in sports or hobbies; secluded meditation; and enjoying nature. 9% identified prayer as their most fulfilling spiritual activity, while Bible reading was named by 7% and helping other people was listed by 6%. Just 3% identified the maintenance or enjoyment of their relationship with God as their greatest source of spiritual fulfillment and only 1% credited their relationships with other believers. Less than 1% listed worshipping God or leading someone to Christ as their means of fulfillment. Although 62% of adults consider themselves to be “deeply spiritual,” 46% are satisfied enough with their spiritual condition that they have no aspects that they would like to change. Men were twice as likely as women to say there was nothing in particular that gave them a sense of spiritual fulfillment. Researcher George Barna notes, “One could easily conclude that most Americans have no plan for spiritual advancement and are not exerting much effort to grow in their faith.” (Barna Online 11/29/04)

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