Sermon Illustrations

I read this week about Jack Hammond and his son, Michael. Jack is 88 years old, and recently moved to a nursing home closer to his son. That move, though, took him away from his neighbor who used to go drinking with him at the local pub. They were friends, and Michael is worried that his dad will now be lonely. So, he posted an add in the post office, offering £7 an hour for someone to take his father to a pub and be his friend. (At today’s rate, that is about $15 an hour). Michael was not sure that anyone would respond; but, he said that he has been “absolutely staggered” by the response. However, as he pointed out, “There must be hundreds and hundreds of people in the same position needing some company.” Michael and his dad are currently interviewing the applicants, trying to find the perfect match for Jack. (See Man Seeks Drinking Pal For Father, British Broadcasting Company (April 3, 2008) at (last visited April 8, 2008)).