Sermon Illustrations


The young man had waited for this moment for many months even years. He had practiced and practiced. It was his premiere appearance as a concert violinist. The audience heard much about his amazing talent, and they packed out the prestigious concert hall to hear him. They weren’t disappointed. In fact, his masterful playing brought them to their feet for a thunderous standing ovation at the end of the concert. But the eyes of that young man were not on the cheering crowd. Instead he looked to the balcony. There sat an old man. The violinist stood stock still and waited with intense emotion. At that moment, the old man in the balcony shook his and smiled approval. You see, the old man in the balcony was the violinist’ master teacher. The young violinist thought nothing of the cheering masses but waited for the approval of his master.

So my friends, I call you, to live for the approval of the master.

From a sermon by Hansel Young, "The Approval of One" 7/29/2008

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