Sermon Illustrations


I recently heard a terrible story about a young man who made a bad decision. The church of a pastor friend of mine had a drama about hell, and a mother brought her 26-year-old son who had been in rehab. When the pastor gave the invitation, the mother got up to go to the altar, along with 500 other people. She asked the young man to go with her to give his heart to the Lord. And you know what he told her? He said, "I can’t decide." It was kind of like Agrippa in Acts 26, where he told Paul, "Almost you persuade me to become a Christian." This young man said, "I can’t decide." The mother tried unsuccessfully to convince him. Then she went forward and got saved.

The tragedy of that story was that two days later, they found that young man dead of an overdose. He’s gone. Did he make the decision before he died? Who knows? But postponing it was evidently the devil’s ploy.

You cannot avoid making decisions.

(From a sermon by Larry Stockstill, "Decisions Part 1" 1/29/2009)

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