Sermon Illustrations

“I Will Die – Let My Baby Live!”

I knew him as a brilliant young member of a noted family. He was studying in one of the great universities. His physical development was well-nigh perfect. Tall, broad-shouldered, brawny, graceful in bearing and quick in movement, he was soon well-known as an athlete.

On the field he was invincible in contest, being lion-like in his contest with opponents. But when the games were over, in the hours of study and social time, he was found to be unusually sympathetic, considerate, and kind. In the company of young women he was always the true gentleman, a model of refinement and courtesy.

In private, he never referred to them except in the purest terms. The word Mother was most sacred to him; and whenever that word was used in his presence, he became silent: sometimes he even shed tears.

I inquired of him one day why he was so rough and lion-like in athletics and so gentle at other times, especially toward girls and women.

He said, “I never like to refer to this, but my father told me that when I was being born, mother’s case was most serious. The doctor said, ‘I cannot save them both. Decide quickly which one it shall be.’

My father stood speechless I was told, not knowing what to say. Mother, who had overheard what the doctor said, said ‘I will die: let my child live.’ Thus, mother gave her life for me!”

------------Calvin S. Stanley

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