Sermon Illustrations

General Douglas MacArthur Unique Signature at the Japanese Surrender Ending World War II

We need to understand not just the pain, but the power to come. We need to appreciate not just the hard times, but the victory ahead. We need to grasp not just the cross, but the crown to follow.

On September 2, 1945, the Japanese and designated representatives of allied nations signed the documents of surrender officially ending World War II. General Douglas MacArthur officiated at the ceremony aboard the USS Missouri and was the last to sign on behalf of the United States.

MacArthur, with his military colleagues at his side, took his Parker fountain pen and simply signed his first name “Douglas.” He then passed the pen to General Wainwright, who signed “Mac.” Then MacArthur handed the pen to General Percival, who signed “Arthur.”

This unusual procedure was MacArthur’s way of honoring the two United States generals who had suffered severe persecution as prisoners of war. They had persevered, and now they were allowed to share in the glory of victory. (Greg Asimakoupoulos;

From a sermon by C. Philip Green, Glimpse the Glory, 11/21/2009

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