Sermon Illustrations

As a young man, AUGUSTINE packed a lot of life into a few years. He was a brilliant professor on the fast track with powerful Roman politicians. Yet despite his success and pursuit of pleasure, his soul was restless. His mother was a devout Christian, but Augustine wasn't interested in Christianity, although he seriously looked into other religions. All the while, his conscience increasingly troubled him as he realized that there was more to life than drinking, carousing, and philosophing.

One day, Augustine was in the garden, thoroughly miserable. As he lay on the ground weeping, he kept hearing a child's voice say, "Pick it up and read." Not knowing what else to do, Augustine picked up the Bible, and randomly opened it. His eyes fell on Romans 13:13: "Let us behave decently . . . not in orgies and drunkenness . . ." At that very moment, Augustine was pierced to the core over His unbelief and gave his life to Christ.

This is a dramatic illustration of the Spirit’s ministry of convicting the unbelievers conscience! He troubles the conscience so that a person might turn to God in faith.

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