Sermon Illustrations

I've been reading a book by Francine Rivers lately about an old woman called Leota who loves the Lord and has an amazing impact upon the lives of other people in her life, yet is rejected and hated by her own daughter, Eleanor. Throughout the book there seems to be NO HOPE for this estranged daughter Eleanor. She has no intention to be reconciled with God or her own mother, because of the seeds of evil that have been sown through misunderstanding and selfishness. But Leota (and her granddaughter Annie) NEVER GIVE UP finding ways to bring Eleanor to the place where she can find the Lord. It seemed hopeless until the end. THAT'S WHEN THE MIRACLE HAPPENED!

At one time in my life the last person on earth who I would have thought who would give his life to Christ was my father, yet for years my daughter prayed that he would be saved. She brought him to the Lord in prayer every night, "Please Lord, let Grandad become a Christian. Let him have Christian neighbours. Bring him around other Christians who love You and who will bring him to know You." She had hope, when all seemed hopeless. THAT'S WHEN THE MIRACLE HAPPENED.

For the friends of a demonised man in Matthew 9:32, it must seem like there was no hope, but they bring the man to Jesus.


Why was He demonised? We don't know how he opened his life up to this extent of evil but we do know that no-one is beyond hope OF BEING HEALED BY JESUS. Jesus healed EVERY kind of disease and illness. There is nothing that Jesus cannot heal. He isn't restricted to headaches or psychosomatic sicknesses.

All it takes sometimes is for others not to give up interceding and BRINGING THEM TO JESUS. Notice he was BROUGHT BY OTHERS. He still had some friends. These bringers are related to the workers that Jesus speaks of in verse 37. "The harvest is great and the workers are few". PEOPLE WILLING TO BRING OTHERS TO JESUS ARE THE WORKERS. This man couldn't speak. Others spoke to Jesus for him.


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