Sermon Illustrations


A certain rabbi was adored by his community; everyone was always delighted with what he had to say. All, that is, except for Isaac, who never missed an opportunity to contradict the rabbi's point of view and point out flaws in his teachings. The others were disgusted with Isaac, but could do nothing.

One day, Isaac died. During the funeral, the community noticed that the rabbi was deeply saddened.

"Why are you so sad?" someone asked him, "He found fault with everything you said!"

"I am not sad for my friend who is now in heaven," the rabbi replied, "I am sorry for myself. While everyone else revered me, he consistently challenged me, and I was forced to improve. Now that he is gone, I am afraid I will stop learning and growing."

(From, from a sermon by Christian Cheong, True Seekers - Character, 6/13/2010)

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