Sermon Illustrations


Just imagine how wonderful it would be if our greatest desire was to know God more!

Dennis Wise really loved Elvis Presley--so much so that not long after Presley died, Dennis had his face lifted by a plastic surgeon and his hair contoured so that he took on an appearance remarkable similar to Elvis Presley. In fact, for a few months he made a dollar or two making appearances where people loved to see phenomenons like that.

When interviewed and asked what would drive a man to reshape his face to look like Elvis Presley, he revealed that Presley had been his model, his idol, for many years. Here's what Dennis Wise told the "Boston Globe" many years ago:

"Yes, sir, Presley's been an idol of mine ever since I was five years old. I have every record he ever made, twice over. Pictures in the thousands. I have books, magazines, pillows, even a couple books in Chinese and Japanese about him. I even have tree leaves from the front of his house." Wise went on to say, "I never saw Elvis Presley in person. I saw him on stage in the movies four times. Once I stood up on the wall of the Presley mansion and tried to see him. For twelve hours I stood, trying to get a glimpse of him, but he had so many people around him that you would never get close."

(EXPLOSIVE POWER, p. 358. Cited in R. Kent Hughes, 1001 GREAT STORIES AND QUOTES, Wheaton, Illinois, Tyndale House, 1998.)

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