Sermon Illustrations


Peter tells us not only that Jesus Christ is the model but what are the tools and pieces to put together so that this model is complete and working for God's glory and our security in our lives.

I remember getting a model car for a birthday present when I was about 12. It was a really neat kit with what seemed like literally thousands of tiny parts all molded onto a plastic frame with a tiny stamped number either on the part or if it was too small, right where you broke off the model part from the frame.

Instead of reading the directions and taking the time to study where each part was or where it went, I foolishly started snapping off the little pieces from the frame and piling them back into the box. I thought I would know where to glue them with no problem.

As I recall most of the little pieces never made it onto the model. I got the shell together and the doors, roof and wheels glued on and called it finished.

Why does the little book of Philippians spend so much of its content on models for life? What does this tell us about our need for models to build our lives by today?

Like the Philippian Christians and all other Christians we read about in the New Testament, we need mature Christian models to pattern our lives after. We need mentors who show us how to live this life for Christ. Besides Jesus Christ himself, who do you think is mentioned most as a model for us to follow in building a Christian life?

The Apostle Paul wins hands down. He doesn't just live the life of a Christian, he shares his Christian life with us as an example and model for us to follow. And, not only that, Paul boldly and clearly commands us to follow his example. He doesn't just suggest that we might imitate a few of the better things we see in his life.

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