A pastor went to the hospital to visit Maggy, one of his members. She was in the last stages of her life because of cancer, and was heavily medicated, and unresponsive. He went to support her family, who was taking it hard. When he got there, he was surprised with what he saw. Her daughter, Kimmy, had taken the sheets and set them aside. She was putting lotion on her mother’s body, and was starting at the feet. This was an expensive lotion, and was more than she could afford. As he walked in, Kimmy gave a mischievous smile and made him promise not to tell her children. Her kids gave it to her for Mother’s Day, since, in their words, “you never do anything for yourself, Mom.” As Kimmy put it on her mother, she was unresponsive. Maggy, nor anyone else, would never know the difference. But this is the nature of a self-sacrificial love. So what if these acts of love go unappreciated, or unnoticed? So what if no one ever knows these precious acts? God knows and sees these acts. They are not unnoticed, but are precious and valuable in His sight. Acts like these care for others and their needs. It puts others first. These acts of love show the mercy and love of Jesus, and are motivated by them. They point us to Him.