Main Idea: To be saved, you must let go of what you are trusting in and grab onto Jesus.

Verse: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:30-31 NKJV).

Illustration: One time there was a man who was fishing beside a river. Suddenly, he fell into the water. He was not very good at swimming but he found a log to hold onto. The log could barely keep him afloat but he held on tightly for dear life. Unfortunately, the river was about to go over a huge waterfall. The man could hear the roar of the water and see the mist from the falls. Right before he reached the edge, a man on the side of the river threw him a rope. The man had two options. First, he could hold tightly to his log and go over the falls to a certain death. Second, he could let go of the log and grab the rope and be pulled to the shore. This is the same choice we face with Christ. First, we can hold tightly to our old life and hope that we will stay afloat but the reality is that we are headed toward destruction. Or, we can let go of whatever gives us “false hope” and reach out to Christ for salvation.