Perfume maker

Many years ago, there was a perfume maker who made the best perfume. He had been working on his latest creation for over a month. All his work was beginning to pay off, this was the best perfume he had ever created. He couldn’t wait to show it to the queen, she would be impressed. In his hurry to go announce his latest discovery to the queen, he forgot to cover the perfume up. While he was away flies, we drawn to the sweet aroma and some fell in the container and couldn’t escape. Soon their bodies began to deteriorate and soon they caused the perfume to stink. Can you imagine what the queen thought when she caught a whiff of the odor.

The moral of this story is to guard the fragrance, so that it won't be a stink in someone's nostrils

Sometimes we are a sweet smell (like a beautiful scented perfume) that rises up to the Lord; sometimes we stink like a perfume that was spoiled by flies getting into it.