I like to tell this story about my son as a 2-year-old. I always liked to give him a shower/bath and like most kids that age, he liked playing with the water.

Many times, when there’s water and soap on his head and face, he, of course, had to close his eyes. That part he didn’t like. No kid would like that part, right?

It was always funny to hear him say in two-year old tongues, eyes closed, a little panicked, “Who turned off the light? The light is off! Who turned off the light? Turn on the light!”

And then I would say, laughing, as I tried to quickly rinse the soap off his face, “No, nobody turned the light off! You closed your eyes! The light is on. Just open your eyes.”

Sometimes, we act like that. There’s light and revelation knowledge and direction in God’s Word, and yet we ask why it is dark. Sometimes, we close our eyes willfully when light comes from the Word. Sometimes we are not just mature enough to tell the difference.

The issue is not that there are no answers in the Word or that the Word is dark, but that we need to open our eyes.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalms 119:105).