GEORGE CAMPBELL MORGAN, 12/9/1863. He died May 16, 1945. He preached his first sermon at 13 years of age. In 1888 a young man named CAMPBELL MORGAN had made application to the WESLEYAN SCHOOL of ministry. Campbell was one of 150 men to apply for the opening for 45 students. He passed his doctrine examine. Now he waited to speak his short lesson. There were 3 professors sitting in a dark 1,000 seat auditorium as the young man stood behind the pulpit for his trial sermon. Of course he was nervous and upset. Campbell received word in two weeks he was REJECTED, HE WAS TOLD HE SHOWED “NO PROMISE!” Campbell Morgan’s name was one of the 105 rejected ministers that year.

Campbell knew GOD HAD CALLED HIM! He wrote his father a one word telegram “REJECTED!” In his journal he penned the words: DARK, VERY DARK EVERYTHING SEEMS DARK, STILL GOD KNOWS WHAT IS BEST. Campbell received this reply: REJECTED ON EARTH. ACCEPTED IN HEAVEN. DAD.

REVEREND DOCTOR GEORGE CAMPBELL MORGAN, D.D. was rejected. He became one of most known evangelist, teacher, preacher and Bible scholar. Campbell was famous for his writings. He was not known as a man of great gestures, no showy eloquence, no super delivery style or great charm. THOUGH REJECTED HE BECAME KNOWN AS “THE MAN OF THE WORD.” In 60 years of ministry he preached 23,390 times and wrote over 70 books. His 4 sons were all preachers. HE GAVE HIMSELF TO ONE BOOK, THE BIBLE. He said he read one book in the Bible 50 to 60 times before he began to study it. “REJECT?”