1. Communicate with your partner – work hard on listening.

2. Befriend each other’s friends and family

3. Know your spouse’s love language – Touch, talk, time, treasures, tasks

4. Give each other space to breathe without control

5. Take trips together

6. Be interested in the things that interest your spouse.

7. Make important decisions together

8. Plan for fun together

9. Leave the past behind

10. Apologize when you are wrong.

11. Tithe everything God gives you together.

12. Respect each other

13. Say, “I love you” every day (verbalize your love)

14. Compromise and don’t be so stubborn

15. Learn your partner’s “sensitive areas” and be careful here.

16. Forgive each other.

17. Learn to disagree without losing your opinion.

18. Keep dating each other.

19. Pray together regularly.

20. Draw upon each other’s strengths to work together as a team

21. Choose your battles wisely.

22. Walk away from your anger.

23. Recognize the ebb and flow of a relationship.

24. Fall back on your commitment when your feelings falter.

25. Surround yourselves with a strong support network

26. Don’t keep secrets.

27. Remind your partner that you appreciate them and show that on holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.

28. Say thank you for the little things.

29. Practice honesty, even when you’re ashamed.

30. Take care of your appearance.

31. Watch your words.

32. Be kind at all times.