In the year 490 B.C., the Persian Army, seeking to invade Greece, landed a large force 26 miles outside of Athens. The huge army disembarked from their warships and gathered on the plains of a place called Marathon. There they prepared to attack the Greek Army and establish their presence in Europe.

The Greeks were outnumbered 4 to 1, but they launched a surprise offensive thrust against the Persians. At the time the plan appeared suicidal; but by day's end, 6400 Persian bodies lay dead on the field while only 192 Greek soldiers had been killed. The surviving Persians fled to sea and headed south to Athens where they hoped to attack the city before the Greek Army could re-assemble there. With no word of the Greek victory, the Persians believed the city would surrender.

A young messenger named Phidippides was called upon to run the distance to Athens. He was to carry the good news of the victory and warn the Athenians about the approaching Persian ships. Phidippides was already tired from another long run and from having fought in heavy armor against the Persians. But seeing the need to carry the truth to his countrymen, Phidippides rose to the challenge. Pushing himself past the normal limits of human endurance, Phidippides ran the 26 miles to Athens in about 3 hours. As he stumbled into the city he gasped to the leaders, “Rejoice, we conquer!” and died. Hearing the news, the Athenians held on until the Army arrived. The battle was won. The enemy was defeated. No surrender was necessary.

Satan would have us to believe that his battle with God still rages. He tries to convince us that he will win. Not so. Satan is a liar. While he can cause misery here, make no mistake, he has been defeated.

As Christians we must carry the message to the world, “Rejoice, in Jesus we conquer!”

“And having spoiled (defeated) principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them…” Colossians 2:15