The Good Samaritan bears the features of the Lord Jesus Christ who comes to seek and save the lost.

(1). "He came where he was." Christ comes to us right where we are. In our stripped and wounded condition we could do nothing for ourselves (Ro 5:6).

(2). "He had compassion on him" (Lk 10:33). His heart was moved toward him. The salvation that Christ brought us was heart work ("He loved us, and gave Himself for us", Galatians 2:20).

(3). "He bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine."

Although we are full of wounds and bruises (Isa. 1), Christ can bind up and heal (Luke 4:18). This He does by the oil of His Spirit and the wine of His Word.

(4). "He set him on his own beast." Those whom the Lord lifts up are also set in His own place. "Now are we the Sons of God."

(5). "He brought him to an inn." The saved of the Lord also find shelter and new friendships.

(6). "He took care of him." In the salvation that Christ gives, there is not only a great deliverance, but also a special personal providence (Rom. 8:28). He cares for you.

(7). He left a promise concerning him (Lk 10:35). Our Great Shepherd has also left enough for our need during His absence in "the exceeding great and precious promises." "And inasmuch as ye did it unto these, ye did it unto Me." "When I come again I will repay thee."

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