A fictitious story has been told of a conference between Lucifer and his demons.

It seems as though Satan was upset because he had not deceived enough souls and so he called for a conference with his head demons. "What are we going to do! We are not claiming enough souls for the Kingdom of Darkness these days! Got any ideas?" Lucifer screamed.

One demon said, "Let's tell them that the Bible is full of myths and lies."

Another demon spoke up and said, "Let's tell them that Jesus did not really rise from the dead!"

A third demon growled and said, "Yeah, let's tell them there is no such place as Hell. It's all a big lie!"

Finally, Lucifer told everyone to shut up and said, "No, listen to me! This is what you are going to do. You are going to tell them that the Bible is true. You will tell them that Jesus really did rise from the dead. And you will even tell them that there really is a place of eternal judgment named Hell. But you will also tell them one more thing......tell them that they have all the time in the world to make a decision about eternity.

TODAY is the only day you have left to trust Christ as your Savior. Tomorrow may never come.