THE POWER OF THE SWITCH – to some, the issue is not the light but our willingness/eagerness to turn the switch on!

Example: Marie and Walter gifted us a 3-day tour in Canada - Kingston-Ottawa-Montreal-Old Quebec-1000 Islands

The schedule is packed and the travel time between these places range between 2 to 3.5 hours. The tour guide followed itineraries that goes from 6 am to 6 pm that by the time we get to our hotel, it’s bedtime. So, for 2 separate nights after a long day journey, they give us keys to our rooms. We were rushing to our rooms to get refreshed and rest. But then you are confronted by a pitch-dark room. And so, you are groping in this dark pitch room with one thing in mind - where is the light switch in this room!

You see, darkness is no good even in the most elaborate elegant, exquisite room. You must turn the lights on. When the Hotel staff hands you the key to your room, they assume that you’ll light the room for yourself because there is light in the room to help you see everything! You must turn the light bulb! As soon as we lighted the room, automatically, we knew what to do, where things are, where to put things, etc.